VROOEM Erasmus+

#MoveTheDate Solutions

VROOEM Erasmus+

Personal / Community: Community project

Nature sub-categories: Education, training

Description: VROOEM is an Erasmus+ project that unites students of two schools, from Poland and the Netherlands. One of the project goals is building students responsibility for the planet's wellbeing. In January students from Purda, Poland started a water saving challenge. They got the idea after calculating their ecological footprint, which is partly caused by the amounts of water we use. This was the challenge: during week 1 you measure the amount of water that is used in your household, while consuming water 'as usual'. In week 2 you try to reduce the amount of water by all sorts of water saving measures. You compare the results of week 1 and 2 to find out how much water you saved. Students from Venlo, the Netherlands joined the challenge. Finally, ten students finished the challenge (actually more students did, but not everyone managed to read the water meter correctly ;-) We added up all our savings. They are 667 litres.

Website about this solution: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/94784/home

Why I love this solution: I think we learned many things during this challenge: - The abstract 'footprint' number, came to life when we realised that water consumption is part of it and that you can influence this yourself! - We also discussed in class the way we can save water, and which part is visible from the water meter. Eating less meat for example saves a lot of water, but doesn't influence the water meter in your house. - Some of the students are now aware of the existence of water/electricity/gas meters in the house, what they are used for and where they can be found. This is a first step in reaching awareness of water and energy consumption.
